Tuesday, March 15, 2011

11 days!

My last few days have been very full. I am now un-employed! I moved out of my apartment. I have left the Great Lakes State. I drove to New Hampshire with my cat (yes, 13 hours in a car with Callie!). The drive was long, but there were some beautiful views. The Green Mountains in Vermont were breathtaking. The trees had a layer of ice on them so they seemed to sparkle as I drove through. It really got me excited to start hiking the AT even though I won't see those mountains for at least 4 months!
I spent 5 glorious days in Concord, NH with Johanna. We watched to make sure Callie and Emma (her cat) got along okay, as Johanna is watching my cat for the duration of my hike. It seemed to go well, a few hisses and growls, but nothing remarkable. I bet by the time I hike to the White Mountains and see Callie again ( in 5 months) they will be inseparable!
While I was in NH we went to Portsmouth, an adorable coastal town, and did some shopping. We bought cheese. And then some more cheese. It was so delicious; cow cheese, goat cheese, sheep cheese, I am going to miss cheese!! Johanna and I ate so much good food that I am starting to get nervous about 6 months of instant oatmeal, rice and potatoes!
Yesterday I left NH (sniff) but after 14.5 hours in the car I arrived in North Carolina! They have green grass and flowering trees here! This got me SUPER excited to start hiking as Fayetteville is east (and slightly north) of Springer Mtn, Georgia. I think it will be just as pretty there when I start my hike.
Now it is time for me to relax and enjoy the next week and a half with my love! After so much planning all I have left to do is wait for March 26th to get here. Oh, and eat some more good food!

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