Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rain rain go away!

On Saturday March 26, 2011 Greg drove Kara and I to Amicalola Falls State Park. Fresh and happy we signed the thru-hiker register. We are hikers 481 and 482 that are headed to Maine so far this year. We weighed our packs (mine was 35# and Kara's 36.5#) and headed on our way. After 604 stairs I was huffing and puffing and it was kind of raining. Then is started REALLY raining and continued that way the whole 9.2 miles to Springer Mtn Shelter. Our time at the top of Springer Mtn was short lived because we were so cold and tired. That night I don't think anyone slept a wink because there was a thunderstorm right on top of us... I thought we might perish. All was well but the next day was quite painful when we had to put on all of our soaking wet clothes from the day before (think wet sports bra...). Gregory went on his way back to NC and Kara and I continued on. That day was better than expected because it didn't rain, it just misted. That night- thunder storm. The next day was the same. That night- thunder storm. Yesterday was misty and COLD... 38 degrees and windy. The sun did peek out around 1:30 and the mist cleared out when we got to the shelter. That was the first time we saw a view... we didn't even know we were surrounded by so many mountains, all we had seen was fog and trees. The weather turned quick, guess what? Last night - thunder storm. Luckily we have been safe and happy and dry in a shelter every night. Today we had burgers and tonight we are staying in a hostel. Clean girls with clean clothes and a dry bed to sleep in!!! Despite the rain and cold this is still much nicer than our last job!


  1. Take care! Love you Mom.

  2. "Despite the rain and cold this is still much nicer than our last job!" Hahahahahahaha, my favorite thing ever.
