Monday, May 30, 2011

We are just past Pearisburg, VA. Greg came out with us for Memorial Weekend. He only got to hike 20 miles with us. We got distracted at the Hiker Feed at the Captain's. It was totally worth it. Food, beer, music and a zipline across the river! The next day we realized we couldn't make it to the road in time so we took a shuttle back to Pearisburg and spent the day lazing about. I think he may have gotten the wrong impression about hiking the AT. I swear it is not a 6 month long party!! Now it's time for Greg to go :( and it's time for these girls to get their butts back on track! Of note: last week we hiked 99 miles in 6 days. We did our longest day ever at 23.9 miles.


  1. We spent the Holiday weekend without power. A tree feel and burned on the lines. Got the power back Wed am.

    Now get walking. Yes, 6 months is doable if you stop playing around :)
    Love Mom

  2. ps you need to do 25 mile days, every day when Greg is with you;

  3. It sounds like you two have been having fun! Maybe TOO MUCH! Can't wait for the next update! Lincoln misses you and is excited to see you again aunt Kara!
